It’s your future. Be (A)Part.

Join our Fall 2020 Voting in a Pandemic Challenge!

At Be (A)Part, we offer youth 14–19 years old opportunities to work with other young people, scientists, and local leaders to empower YOUR community in the face of COVID-19. We believe ALL young people should have the tools and resources to chart their path to success. 

So, we want to give you the support to get informed, seize the moment, and build towards a better future. 

This fall, we’ll work together to help Connecticut address a critical problem: voting during a pandemic. Then, we’ll help you identify and help solve a problem in your community or school. We’ll also have a lot of fun.


  1. Why is voting important? 

  2. What topics or unique skills are you interested in? Why are you passionate about this?

  3. What are your goals for the Voting in a Pandemic Challenge? What do you hope to learn or gain?

  4. What’s one thing students under 18 can do to increase voter turnout in your community or school? 

Here’s what else you need to know:

  • YOU get to decide how you want to answer the 4 questions. You can write an essay, send an email, upload a TikTok video, provide a digital link, make a PowerPoint… or whatever you want. It’s totally up to you!

  • This Challenge doesn’t depend on school, so you can do the Challenge on your own outside of class.

  • This Challenge is 100% online and safe. No more than 2 hours per week will be spent in adult-led experiences like classes. There will also independent and group time to work on projects.

  • Our team includes several leading doctors and scientists.

  • We’re looking for students with all types of interests and skills to join: art and digital design, music, video editing, writing, storytelling, science, social justice, and more!

  • You get $250, a mentor, digital tools, work experience, and a life-long network of like-minded friends.

  • You need to be 14–19 years old, in high school, and live in Connecticut to apply. 

  • The application is due by 12PM ET on Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

Questions? Email